(708) 660-9190
Be sure you put your feet in the right place,
then stand firm.
---- Abraham Lincoln
...then we will fight in the shade.
---Stelios, from "300"

Our Firm's Story: We Know Mortgages.
A mortgage loan is a is a loan secured by real property through the use of a mortgage note. Did you know that the word mortgage is a French Law term meaning "death contract?"
Despite that scary term, there's nothing to fear if you have Emerson Law Firm on your side. At Emerson Law Firm, LLC, mortgages are our day-to-day bread and butter. We know mortgages better than most real estate transactional attorneys -- in fact, you could say that we know mortgages inside and out! Having done foreclosure defense for many years, we have litigated many of the provisions you'll find in a standard mortgage. Even better, we've prevailed on a number of occasions.
That means that, if you are buying or selling a home, you can feel confident that our firm has your back. We are well-versed in standard real estate transactions, but also have extensive experience in short sales, deeds in lieu of foreclosure, consent judgments, and bankruptcy surrenders. In trouble with your mortgage, and not sure which option is right for you? That's ok; you're not alone! Give us a call. We will be glad to help you figure it out.